The Un-Stoppable Optimism of Un-Marketing

Scott Stratten

Perhaps the best way to catch up with Internet wunderkind, President of Un-Marketing is to throw out a 140 character line in Twitter. For Scott Stratten (a.k.a @unmarketing) the self-labeled speaker and Jedi of viral marketing, Twitter is no tangent to be sure. Instead, it is a viral forum where he can help others (like him) build relationships, become a recognized expert in a field, build referrals and get current satisfied customers.

Because I have been afflicted with a penchant for social marketing on Talent Revolution, Facebook and Twitter, I have been able to witness Scott busy in action. You don't have to be online long before the @unmarketing sightings appear. He's everywhere. "On January 1, I vowed to go 30 days on Twitter with everything I got. And that's what I did. I literally, outside of teaching at the College a few times a week, I spent all my spare time on Twitter to build momentum," says Stratten.

What distinguishes Scott Stratten in social media also serves as the crux of the Un-Marketing approach: he is there for YOU, not himself. His amiable presence, his simple but savvy business videos, and his quick sense of humor have earned him nearly 10, 000 (fans) followers and a rock solid business. I can tell you first hand, it's not his song writing, singing ability or his music videos...(trust me on that one.)

Here's a Q & A with Canada's Scott Stratten:

Q: What was the catalyst behind the creation of "Un-Marketing"?

Scott: In the corporate world, I was a Sales Trainer. I kept hearing stories about the only way these people got new clients was to cold call and many them felt physically ill before going to do one. I asked each of them if they liked being cold called at home etc... and every one of them said no. I thought it was madness to try and market/sell to others in ways that you hated. Then after seeing all the costs VS returns on advertising etc.. and realizing that didn't work well either, I knew there had to be a better way. (cue the big drum sound) THE UN-MARKETING WAY!!!!!!!!

My theory (which is here) is that people buy from people they know, they buy from people they trust, and they buy from people that are viewed as experts. So in recruiting for example, since my career started out in HR and I used the services of recruitment firms from time-to-time, I used the firms that I learned from, that held sessions on how to retain good employees, that sponsored seminars with other experts, that gave me knowledge. In turn, that made me think of them as the authority in the field. That contrasts the other firms that would just cold call to tell me how great they were.

Q: For those of us who are new to Internet marketing, do mind explaining "Viral Marketing" and its benefits.

Scott: Viral Marketing is the same thing as word-of-mouth or "buzz" it's just usually attached to the online world. it's when you see something online and say to yourself "I HAVE TO SEND THIS TO ....." and off it goes. It has its own momentum.

Q: You have made 60 online movies that have been viewed over 60 million times. What was your initial reaction to such an overwhelming response, and what do you believe is the primary reason for this success?

Scott: The first movie I ever made was The Time Movie which was for my own motivational speaking business. My reaction when it blew up was to crap my pants. I was so unprepared for success that I literally turned off my computer and just sat there. (the entire story is on video ) However seeing something successful virally is pretty basic, and this is why the Time Movie worked: There are three reasons why something goes viral. 1. Emotional 2. Funny 3. WOW. If you can make someone feel one of those three things, they are gonna pass it around.

Q: You have become a Twitter mentor of sorts to countless followers. Tell us about someone who guided your Social Networking experience and how.

Scott: Well, I've been online since 1994. I don't mean I tried surfing the net for a bit off and on since 1994, I mean I've been ONLINE since then, I don't think I've ever logged off :-) And was doing social networking online before they called it that. I didn't have anyone show me the ropes, I used the same mindset as I did in HR and Marketing: People like to feel special, people appreciate it when you learn from them. My first big focus on Social biz networking online came with a few years ago then on to Facebook and now Twitter.

Q: Your famous tweet "Daily reminder to take 5 minutes to read other tweets and comment/reply/retweet. Nothing about you. Build, interact, give." hit home to me. Tell us your why you repeat it and have you ever received any unique or negative reactions to it? Like "Whaaat nothing about me...?"

Scott: I say it everyday for two reasons: 1. So it reminds people the best way to get is to give. We don't usually have to be reminded to talk about ourselves :-) 2. On Twitter 90% of people aren't online at any one time, and even fewer will see one specific tweet from you. So the more people I can have see it, the better. The only negative/unique responses I've had was one person said I recycle tweets, and that was wrong. So I told him to ask for his money back that he paid for the tweet and the unfollow button was right underneath my pretty picture.

Q: Go back a decade and share with us something you would have done differently. And something you're most glad you did do.

Scott: I would have positioned myself as the front man and made Un-Marketing a much more public brand, instead of being behind the scenes of everything. I know I have the personality and style that works out there (did I mention modesty too?) but just laid backed and worked off of referrals for years. That's not a way to build an empire, it's a way to go bankrupt, and I almost did. Never rely on one source for your business. I would of built multiple funnels that would perpetually bring business to me.

Q: You are extremely gracious when interacting in social media and I wonder if that becomes overwhelming. How to you manage to keep above your mailbox and maintain such an intricate network of followers, friends and clients?

Scott: I have a motto "If you believe relationships build your business, then building them should BE your business." My job is relationships, everything else can be delegated. I don't get email notifications anymore except for direct message. I auto-follow those that follow me, because if I tried to read every profile before adding them, THAT would be overwhelming. I use TweetDeck and it keeps it flowing.

Q: What projects and/goals are in the immediate future for Un-Marketing?

Scott: Have 20,000 followers on Twitter and then throw the biggest Tweet-up bash in Vegas the world has ever seen. After that... who knows :-)

We're in! We appreciate Scott for taking time away from the computer, Blackberry and business to enlighten us here at Talent Revolution. You are an inspiration and a role model and a man clearly living your ultimate career lifestyle.

Special thanks to my TR collaborators Chris Reed & Amanda Hite !



January 4, 2010 at 6:30 AM Anonymous said...

Affiliate Marketing is a performance based sales technique used by companies to expand their reach into the internet at low costs. This commission based program allows affiliate marketers to place ads on their websites or other advertising efforts such as email distribution in exchange for payment of a small commission when a sale results.

January 4, 2010 at 10:36 PM Anonymous said...

Affiliate Marketing is a performance based sales technique used by companies to expand their reach into the internet at low costs. This commission based program allows affiliate marketers to place ads on their websites or other advertising efforts such as email distribution in exchange for payment of a small commission when a sale results.

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