This #followfriday let me introduce to you 10 vibrant individuals with giant personalities.
While seemingly confining, 140 characters can pack a punch. I love the brevity of Twitter and find it remarkable how some personalities bust out of such a small space. This blog is not about the always polite, the sweet retweeters, the obigatory in any way. Rather these 10 people flat out draw you in grab you by the collar and confound the 140 characters with a robust individuality (part one of two by the way.) They are free thinkers, honest, optimistic and real.
@iamkhayyam Playful, avant guarde, full throttle real, creative and a joy to watch. See his dig on #followfriday here.
@StaciJShelton She has a presence that you feel the moment she is in your stream like someone just twisted open the shades and let the brightness in. She is a blend of pure optimism, biz mind, and heart. You'll enjoy her blog.
@sethsimonds Face it. The man fears not. Eats status quo for breakfast. He turned heads this week when he dropped all 45K of his followers. But at the crux was a man who wanted more genuine connections which I admire. His blog requires coffee and thick skin. (Warning: Can't guarentee a follow back though ;)
@RiaSharon I code named her sexytech because she has skills you just wouldn't expect of a beautiful momma blogger. Getting to know Ria in collaboration for Looking Glass Lane (under construction) let me in to her straight-forward loving, laugh at yourself grace that has changed me. She affects people near her. POSITIVELY.
@unmarketing He IS Twitter. He teaches, inspires, keeps us in line, sings *makes pained face,* retweets and represents marketing upended. He made Twitter real for me. If your not following him, put your teeth bak in and bite yourself!
@sexythinker When my husband introduced me to Amanda he should have said "This woman will change your life." A passionate visionary who simply wants everyone to live the Ultimate Career Lifestyle: Be Real, Be Relavant, Be Passionate. She has built a career network community with Talent Revolution that is amazing....and she is about to publish her hot book/ebook.
@lruettimann She is bold, hilarious, unfiltered, flanked by cats and has a whip smart HR mind. She immediately impressed me by the duofold ability to make me think hard and laugh harder with 140 characters. She's a keeper! Punk Rock HR.
@thetylerhayes He's likely to sit the ball back with spin and speed when you send one over the court to this young turk. Tyler is a self proclaimed rascal who is part web savvy cool geekness and part full blown youthful swagger.
@frankidurbin Her blog life in a venti cup is a divine read. This darling cooks, writes, moms, zips about in the ultimate driving machine and ultimately inspires. To boot, she does it all with haute couture & caffeine.
@SmartZombie He calls himself and "incurable optimist" which goes down like a happy pill. He's witty, delightful and a devoted father. Cartoony yes, but don't let the Wolverine claws fool you. He is a devoted daddy! His website.
Part two of the Twitter personalities next week.
Thanks for including me on this amazing list Leigh! What an honor :)
Also, I'd just like to say how much @SmartZombie looks like Hugh Jackman in his avatar pic. Badass is a compliment, right?
I absolutely love your descriptions of each person you are recommending. Actually writing about them instead of merely posting their names is so much more convincing. Thank you for taking the time! I am excited to start following a couple from this list already.
Well I am honored to be in such good company - and to have such a nod from a saucy 140+ wonder like yourself. XO! I'm lifting my redbull in salute to you, sweetie!
I love this!! You rock times infinity!
Haha, Leigh. You know, a name is a powerful thing. I'm honored to be in your stream. I hope I can live up to your #followfriday shout out, sportyspice!
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